Mission & Philosophy
Winton Woods City Schools is committed to ensuring that all students achieve their highest potential and are future ready. As a New Tech Network district focused on project-based learning, our students learn through appropriate, challenging, authentic projects as they explore, adapt and engage the world around them. This unique approach to learning creates a seamless pathway toward success from preschool through 12th grade. This rich academic experience gives our students increased opportunities to be positive contributors, creative innovators and strong leaders in our community and in our world.
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The Academy of Global Studies (AGS) at Winton Woods High School, a beacon of excellence in education, has been acknowledged as a Global, Innovative, Strategic, and Transformative (GIST) School by the Global Educational Community for its unwavering dedication to learner-centered strategies, emotional well-being, systems thinking, and fostering global competencies among its students
Winton Woods City Schools Board of Education appointed Angela Knighten and Bill Speelman on January 8, 2024, at the district’s organizational meeting. The newest members were given a warm Warrior welcome by district employees and joined by family members to celebrate this exciting accomplishment.